Training LeNet on MNIST

This tutorial goes through the code in examples/mnist to explain the basic usages of Mocha. We will use the architecture known as [LeNet], which is a deep convolutional neural network known to work well on handwritten digit classification tasks. More specifically, we will use the Caffe’s modified architecture, by replacing the sigmoid activation functions with Rectified Learning Unit (ReLU) activation functions.

[LeNet]Lecun, Y.; Bottou, L.; Bengio, Y.; Haffner, P., Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition, Proceedings of the IEEE, vol.86, no.11, pp.2278-2324, Nov 1998.

Preparing the Data

MNIST is handwritten digit recognition dataset containing 60,000 training examples and 10,000 test examples. Each example is a 28x28 single channel grayscale image. The dataset in a binary format could be downloaded from Yann LeCun’s website. We have created a script to download the dataset, and it will call mnist.convert.jl to convert the binary dataset into HDF5 file that Mocha could read.

When the conversion finishes, data/train.hdf5 and data/test.hdf5 will be generated.

Defining the Network Architecture

The LeNet consists of a convolution layer followed by a pooling layer, and then another convolution followed by a pooling layer. After that, two densely connected layers were added. We don’t use a configuration file to define a network architecture like Caffe, instead, the network definition is directly done in Julia. First of all, let’s import the Mocha package.

using Mocha

Then we will define a data layer, which read the HDF5 file and provide input for the network:

data_layer = HDF5DataLayer(name="train-data", source="data/train.txt", batch_size=64)

Note the source is a simple text file what contains a list of real data files (in this case data/train.hdf5). This behavior is the same as in Caffe, and could be useful when your dataset contains a lot of files. Note we also specified the batch size as 64.

Next we define a convolution layer in a similar way:

conv_layer = ConvolutionLayer(name="conv1", n_filter=20, kernel=(5,5),
    bottoms=[:data], tops=[:conv])

There are more parameters we specified here

Every layer could be given a name. When saving the model to disk and loading back, this is used as an identifier to map to the correct layer. So if your layer contains learned parameters (a convolution layer contains learned filters), you should give it a unique name. It is a good practice to give every layer a unique name, for the purpose of getting more informative debugging information when there is any potential issues.
Number of convolution filters.
The size of each filter. This is specified in a tuple containing kernel width and kernel height, respectively. In this case, we are defining a 5x5 square filter size.
An array of symbols specifying where to get data from. In this case, we are asking for a single data source called :data. This is provided by the HDF5 data layer we just defined. By default, the HDF5 data layer tries to find two dataset named data and label from the HDF5 file, and provide two stream of data called :data and :label, respectively. You can change that by specifying the tops property for the HDF5 data layer if needed.
This specify a list of names for the output of the convolution layer. In this case, we are only taking one stream of input and after convolution, we output on stream of convolved data with the name :conv.

Another convolution layer and pooling layer are defined similarly, with more filters this time:

pool_layer = PoolingLayer(name="pool1", kernel=(2,2), stride=(2,2),
    bottoms=[:conv], tops=[:pool])
conv2_layer = ConvolutionLayer(name="conv2", n_filter=50, kernel=(5,5),
    bottoms=[:pool], tops=[:conv2])

Note the tops and bottoms define the computation or data dependency. After the convolution and pooling layers, we add two fully connected layers. They are called InnerProductLayer because the computation is basically inner products between the input and the layer weights. The layer weights are also learned, so we also give names to the two layers:

fc1_layer  = InnerProductLayer(name="ip1", output_dim=500,
    neuron=Neurons.ReLU(), bottoms=[:pool2], tops=[:ip1])
fc2_layer  = InnerProductLayer(name="ip2", output_dim=10,
    bottoms=[:ip1], tops=[:ip2])

Everything should be self-evidence. The output_dim property of an inner product layer specify the dimension of the output. Note the dimension of the input is automatically determined from the bottom data stream.

Note for the first inner product layer, we specifies a Rectified Learning Unit (ReLU) activation function via the neuron property. An activation function could be added to almost all computation layers. By default, no activation function, or the identity activation function is used. We don’t use activation function for the last inner product layer, because that layer acts as a linear classifier. For more details, see Neurons (Activation Functions).

The output dimension of the last inner product layer is 10, which corresponds to the number of classes (digits 0~9) of our problem.

This is the basic structure of LeNet. In order to train this network, we need to define a loss function. This is done by adding a loss layer:

loss_layer = SoftmaxLossLayer(name="loss", bottoms=[:ip2,:label])

Note this softmax loss layer takes as input :ip2, which is the output of the last inner product layer, and :label, which comes directly from the HDF5 data layer. It will compute an averaged loss over each mini batch, which allows us to initiate back propagation to update network parameters.

Configuring Backend and Building Network

Now we have defined all the relevant layers. Let’s setup the computation backend and construct a network with those layers. In this example, we will go with the simple pure Julia CPU backend first:

sys = System(CPUBackend())

The init function of a Mocha System will initialize the computation backend. With an initialized system, we could go ahead and construct our network:

common_layers = [conv_layer, pool_layer, conv2_layer, pool2_layer,
    fc1_layer, fc2_layer]
net = Net("MNIST-train", sys, [data_layer, common_layers..., loss_layer])

A network is built by passing the constructor an initialized system, and a list of layers. Note we use common_layers to collect a subset of the layers. We will explain this in a minute.

Configuring Solver

We will use Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) to solve or train our deep network.

params = SolverParameters(max_iter=10000, regu_coef=0.0005,
    momentum=0.9, lr_policy=LRPolicy.Inv(0.01, 0.0001, 0.75))
solver = SGD(params)

The behavior of the solver is specified in the following parameters

Max number of iterations the solver will run to train the network.
Regularization coefficient. By default, both the convolution layer and the inner product layer have L2 regularizers for their weights (and no regularization for bias). Those regularizations could be customized for each layer individually. The parameter here is just a global scaling factor for all the local regularization coefficients if any.
The momentum used in SGD. See the Caffe document for rules of thumb for setting the learning rate and momentum.
The learning rate policy. In this example, we are using the Inv policy with gamma = 0.001 and power = 0.75. This policy will gradually shrink the learning rate, by setting it to base_lr * (1 + gamma * iter)-power.

Coffee Breaks for the Solver

Now our solver is ready to go. But in order to give him a healthy working plan, we decided to allow him some chances to have some coffee breaks.

add_coffee_break(solver, TrainingSummary(), every_n_iter=100)

First of all, we allow the solver to have a coffee break after every 100 iterations so that he could give us a brief summary of the training process. Currently TrainingSummary will print the loss function value on the last training mini-batch.

We also add a coffee break to save a snapshot for the trained network every 5,000 iterations.

    Snapshot("snapshots", auto_load=true), every_n_iter=5000)

Here "snapshots" is the name of the directory you want to save snapshots to. By setting auto_load to true, Mocha will automatically search and resume from the last saved snapshots.

If you additionally set also_load_solver_state to false, Mocha will load the saved network as initialization, but pretend to be training from scratch. This could be useful if you are fine tuning based on some pre-trained network.

In order to see whether we are really making progress or simply overfitting, we also wish to see the performance on a separate validation set periodically. In this example, we simply use the test dataset as the validation set.

We will define a new network to perform the evaluation. The evaluation network will have exactly the same architecture, except with a different data layer that reads from validation dataset instead of training set. We also do not need the softmax loss layer as we will not train the validation network. Instead, we will add an accuracy layer on the top, which will compute the classification accuracy for us.

data_layer_test = HDF5DataLayer(name="test-data", source="data/test.txt", batch_size=100)
acc_layer = AccuracyLayer(name="test-accuracy", bottoms=[:ip2, :label])
test_net = Net("MNIST-test", sys, [data_layer_test, common_layers..., acc_layer])

Note how we re-use the common_layers variable defined a moment ago to reuse the description of the network architecture. By passing the same layer object used to define the training net to the constructor of the validation net, Mocha will be able to automatically setup parameter sharing between the two networks. The two networks will look like this:


Now we are ready to add another coffee break to report the validation performance:

add_coffee_break(solver, ValidationPerformance(test_net), every_n_iter=1000)

Please note we use a different batch size (100) in the validation network. During the coffee break, Mocha will run exactly one epoch on the validation net (100 iterations in our case, as we have 10,000 samples in MNIST test set), and report the average classification accuracy. You do not need to specify the number of iterations here as the HDF5 data layer will report epoch number as it goes through a full pass of the whole dataset.


Without further due, we could finally start the training process:

solve(solver, net)


After training, we will shutdown the system to release all the allocated resources. Now you are ready run the script

julia mnist.jl

As training goes on, you will see training progress printed. It will take about 10~20 seconds every 100 iterations on my machine depending on the server load and many factors.

14-Nov 11:56:13:INFO:root:001700 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.43609169
14-Nov 11:56:36:INFO:root:001800 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.21899594
14-Nov 11:56:58:INFO:root:001900 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.19962406
14-Nov 11:57:21:INFO:root:002000 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.06982464
14-Nov 11:57:40:INFO:root:
14-Nov 11:57:40:INFO:root:## Performance on Validation Set
14-Nov 11:57:40:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
14-Nov 11:57:40:INFO:root:  Accuracy (avg over 10000) = 96.0500%
14-Nov 11:57:40:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
14-Nov 11:57:40:INFO:root:
14-Nov 11:58:01:INFO:root:002100 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.18091436
14-Nov 11:58:21:INFO:root:002200 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.14225903

The training could run faster by enabling native extension for the CPU backend, or use a CUDA backend if CUDA compatible GPU devices are available. Please refer to Mocha Backends for how to use different backends.

Just to give you a feeling, this is a sample log from running with Native Extension enabled CPU backend. It takes about 5 seconds to run 100 iterations.

14-Nov 12:15:56:INFO:root:001700 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.82937032
14-Nov 12:16:01:INFO:root:001800 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.35497263
14-Nov 12:16:06:INFO:root:001900 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.31351241
14-Nov 12:16:11:INFO:root:002000 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.10048970
14-Nov 12:16:14:INFO:root:
14-Nov 12:16:14:INFO:root:## Performance on Validation Set
14-Nov 12:16:14:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
14-Nov 12:16:14:INFO:root:  Accuracy (avg over 10000) = 94.5700%
14-Nov 12:16:14:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
14-Nov 12:16:14:INFO:root:
14-Nov 12:16:18:INFO:root:002100 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.20689486
14-Nov 12:16:23:INFO:root:002200 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.17757215

The followings are a sample log from running with the CUDA backend. It runs about 300 iterations per second.

14-Nov 12:57:07:INFO:root:001700 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.33347249
14-Nov 12:57:07:INFO:root:001800 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.16477060
14-Nov 12:57:07:INFO:root:001900 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.18155883
14-Nov 12:57:08:INFO:root:002000 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.06635486
14-Nov 12:57:08:INFO:root:
14-Nov 12:57:08:INFO:root:## Performance on Validation Set
14-Nov 12:57:08:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
14-Nov 12:57:08:INFO:root:  Accuracy (avg over 10000) = 96.2200%
14-Nov 12:57:08:INFO:root:---------------------------------------------------------
14-Nov 12:57:08:INFO:root:
14-Nov 12:57:08:INFO:root:002100 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.20724633
14-Nov 12:57:08:INFO:root:002200 :: TRAIN obj-val = 0.14952177


The accuracy from two different trains are different due to different random initialization. The objective function values shown here are also slightly different to Caffe’s, as until recently, Mocha counts regularizers in the forward stage and add them into objective functions. This behavior is removed to avoid unnecessary computation in more recent versions of Mocha.