
Mocha contains general purpose stochastic (sub-)gradient based solvers that can be used to train deep neural networks as well as traditional shallow machine learning models.

A solver is constructed by specifying general solver parameters that characterize learning rate, momentum, and stop conditions, etc. and an algorithm that characterizes how the parameters are updated in each solver iteration. The following is an example taken from the MNIST tutorial.

params = SolverParameters(max_iter=10000, regu_coef=0.0005,
    lr_policy=LRPolicy.Inv(0.01, 0.0001, 0.75),
solver = SGD(params)

Moreover, it is usually desired to do some short breaks during training iterations, for example, to print training progress or to save a snapshot of the trained model to the disk. In Mocha, this is called coffee breaks for solvers.

General Solver Parameters

class SolverParameters

Maximum number of iterations to run.


Global regularization coefficient. Used as a global scaling factor for the local regularization coefficient of each trainable parameter.


Policy for learning rate. Note that this is also a global scaling factor, as each trainable parameter also has a local learning rate.


Policy for momentum.


If specified, the solver will try to load a trained network before starting the solver loop. This parameter can be

  • The path to a directory: Mocha will try to locate the latest saved JLD snapshot in this directory and load it. A mocha snapshot contains a trained model and the solver state. So the solver loop will continue from the saved state instead of re-starting from iteration 0.
  • The path to a particular JLD snapshot file. The same as above except that the user controls which particular snapshot to load.
  • The path to a HDF5 model file. A HDF5 model file does not contain solver state information. So the solver will start from iteration 0, but initialize the network from the model saved in the HDF5 file. This can be used to fine-tune a trained (relatively) general model on a domain specific (maybe smaller) dataset. You can also load HDF5 models exported from external deep learning tools.

Learning Rate Policy

class LRPolicy.Fixed

A fixed learning rate.

class LRPolicy.Step

Provide the learning rate as base_lr * gamma floor(iter / stepsize). Here base_lr, gamma and stepsize are parameters for the policy and iter is the training iteration.

class LRPolicy.Exp

Provide the learning rate as base_lr * gamma iter. Here base_lr and gamma are parameters for the policy and iter is the training iteration.

class LRPolicy.Inv

Provide the learning rate as base_lr * (1 + gamma * iter) -power. Here base_lr, gamma and power are parameters for the policy and iter is the training iteration.

class LRPolicy.Staged

This policy provides different learning rate policies at different stages. Stages are specified by number of training iterations. See the CIFAR-10 tutorial for an example of staged learning rate policy.

class LRPolicy.DecayOnValidation

This policy starts with a base learning rate. After each time the performance on a validation set is computed, the policy will scale the learning rate down by a given factor if the validation performance drops, it will also ask the solver to load the latest saved snapshot and restart from there.

Note in order for this policy to function properly, you need to set up both Snapshot coffee break and ValidationPerformance coffee break. The policy works by registering a listener on the ValidationPerformance coffee break. Whenever the performance is computed on a validation set, the listener is notified, and it will compare the performance with the previous one on records. If the performance drops, it will ask the solver to load the previously saved snapshot (saved by the Snapshot coffee break), and then scale the learning rate down.

A typical setup is to save one snapshot every epoch, and also check the performance on the validation set every epoch. So if the performance drops, the learning rate is decreased, and the training will restart from the last (good) epoch.

# starts with lr=base_lr, and scale as lr=lr*lr_ratio

validation_performance = ValidationPerformance(test_net)
add_coffee_break(solver, validation_performance, every_n_epoch=1)

# register the listener to get notified on performance validation
setup(params.lr_policy, validation_performance, solver)

Momentum Policy

class MomPolicy.Fixed

Provide fixed momentum.

class MomPolicy.Step

Provide the momentum as min(base_mom * gamma floor(iter / stepsize), max_mom). Here base_mom, gamma, stepsize and max_mom are policy parameters and iter is the training iteration.

class MomPolicy.Linear

Provide the momentum as min(base_mom + floor(iter / stepsize) * gamma, max_mom). Here base_mom, gamma, stepsize and max_mom are policy parameters and iter is the training iteration.

class MomPolicy.Staged

This policy provides different momentum policies at different stages. Stages are specified by number of training iterations. See LRPolicy.Staged.

Solver Algorithms

class SGD

Stochastic Gradient Descent with momentum.

class Nesterov

Stochastic Nesterov accelerated gradient method.

Solver Coffee Breaks

Training is a very computationally intensive loop of iterations. Being afraid that the solver might silently go crazy under such heavy load, Mocha provides the solver opportunities to have a break periodically. During the breaks, the solver can have a change of mood by, for example, talking to the outside world about its “mental status”. Here is a snippet taken from the MNIST tutorial:

# report training progress every 100 iterations
add_coffee_break(solver, TrainingSummary(), every_n_iter=100)

# save snapshots every 5000 iterations
add_coffee_break(solver, Snapshot(exp_dir), every_n_iter=5000)

We allow the solver to talk about its training progress every 100 iterations, and save the trained model to a snapshot every 5000 iterations. Alternatively, coffee breaks can also be specified by every_n_epoch.

Coffee Lounge

Coffee lounge is the place for the solver to have coffee breaks. It provides a storage for a log of the coffee breaks. For example, when the solver talks about its training progress, the objective function value at each coffee break will be recorded. That data can be retrieved for inspection or plotting later.

The default coffee lounge keeps the storage in memory only. If you want to additionally save the recordings to disk, you can set up the coffee lounge in the following way:

setup_coffee_lounge(solver, save_into="$exp_dir/statistics.jld",

This means the recordings will be saved to the specified file every 1000 iterations. There is one extra keyword parameter for setup coffee lounge: file_exists, which should specify a symbol from the following options

The default. Try to merge with the existing log file. This is useful if, for example, you are resuming from an interrupted training process.
Erase the existing log file if any.
Exit with error if found the log file already exists.

The logs are stored as simple Julia dictionaries. See plot_statistics.jl in the tools directory for an example of how to retrieve and visualize the saved information.

Built-in Coffee Breaks

class TrainingSummary

This is a coffee break in which the solver talks about the training summary. The training objective function value at the current iteration is reported by default. You can also call the function with the following named parameters in order to customize the output:


Shows the current iteration number.


Shows the current value of the objective function.


Shows the current value of the learning rate.


Shows the current momentum.

Here are a few examples of usage:

#same as original functionality, shows iteration and obj_val by defualt

#will only show objective function value

#shows iteration, obj_val, learning_rate, and momentum

Note that the training summary at iteration 0 shows the results before training starts. Also, any values that are shown with this method will also be added to the lounge using the update_statistics() function.

class Snapshot

Automatically save solver and model snapshots to a given snapshot directory. The snapshot saved at iteration 0 corresponds to the init model (randomly initialized via initializers or loaded from existing model file).

class ValidationPerformance

Run an epoch over a validation set and report the performance (e.g. multiclass classification accuracy). You will need to construct a validation network that shares parameters with the training network and provides access to the validation dataset. See the MNIST tutorial for a concrete example.