Pre-training with Stacked De-noising Auto-encoders

In this tutorial, we show how to use Mocha’s primitives to build stacked auto-encoders to do pre-training for a deep neural network. We will work with the MNIST dataset. Please see the LeNet tutorial on MNIST on how to prepare the HDF5 dataset.

Unsupervised pre-training is a way to initialize the weights when training a deep neural networks. Initialization with pre-training could have better convergence property than simple random training, especially when the number of (labeled) training points is not very large.

In the following two figures, we show the results generated from this tutorial. Specifically, the first figure shows the softmax loss on the training set at different training iterations with and without pre-training initialization.

The second plot is similar, except that it shows the prediction accuracy of the trained model on the test set.

As we can see, faster convergence could be observed when initialize with pre-training.

(Stacked) Denoising Auto-encoders

We provide a brief introduction to (stacked) denoising auto-encoders in this section. See also the deep learning tutorial on Denoising Auto-encoders.

An auto-encoder takes an input \(\mathbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}^p\), maps it to a latent representation (encoding) \(\mathbf{y}\in\mathbb{R}^q\), and then maps back to the original space \(\mathbf{z}\in\mathbb{R}^p\) (decoding / reconstruction). The mappings are typically linear maps (optionally) followed by a element-wise nonlinearity:

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \mathbf{y} &= s\left(\mathbf{W}\mathbf{x} + \mathbf{b}\right) \\ \mathbf{z} &= s\left(\tilde{\mathbf{W}}\mathbf{y} + \tilde{\mathbf{b}}\right) \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Typically, we constrain the weights in the decoder to be the transpose of the weights in the encoder. This is referred to as tied weights:

\[\tilde{\mathbf{W}} = \mathbf{W}^T\]

Note the bias \(\mathbf{b}\) and \(\tilde{\mathbf{b}}\) are still different even when the weights are tied. An auto-encoder is trained by minimizing the reconstruction error, typically with the square loss \(\ell(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{z})=\|\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{z}\|^2\).

A denoising auto-encoder is an auto-encoder with noise corruptions. More specifically, the encoder takes a corrupted version \(\tilde{\mathbf{x}}\) of the original input. A typical way of corruption is randomly masking elements of \(\mathbf{x}\) as zeros. Note the reconstruction error is still measured against the original uncorrupted input \(\mathbf{x}\).

After training, we can take the weights and bias of the encoder layer in a (denoising) auto-encoder as an initialization of an hidden (inner-product) layer of a DNN. When there are multiple hidden layers, layer-wise pre-training of stacked (denoising) auto-encoders could be used to obtain initializations for all the hidden layers.

Layer-wise pre-training of stacked auto-encoders consists of the following procedures:

  1. Train the bottom most auto-encoder.
  2. After training, remove the decoder layer, construct a new auto-encoder by taking the latent representation of existing auto-encoder as input.
  3. Train the new auto-encoder. Note the weights and bias of the encoder from the previously trained auto-encoders are fixed when training the newly constructed auto-encoder.
  4. Repeat step 2 and 3 until enough layers pre-trained.

Next we will show how to train denoising auto-encoders in Mocha and use them to initialize DNNs.

Experiment Configuration

We will train a DNN with 3 hidden layers using sigmoid nonlinearity. All the parameters are listed below:

n_hidden_layer   = 3
n_hidden_unit    = 1000
neuron           = Neurons.Sigmoid()
param_key_prefix = "ip-layer"
corruption_rates = [0.1,0.2,0.3]
pretrain_epoch   = 15
finetune_epoch   = 1000
batch_size       = 100
momentum         = 0.0
pretrain_lr      = 0.001
finetune_lr      = 0.1

param_keys       = ["$param_key_prefix-$i" for i = 1:n_hidden_layer]

As we can see, we will do 15 epochs when pre-training for each layer, and do 1000 epochs of fine-tuning.

In Mocha, parameters (weights and bias) could be shared among different layers by specifying the param_key parameter when constructing layers. The param_keys variable defined above are unique identifiers for each of the hidden layers. We will use those identifiers to indicate that the encoders in pre-training share parameters with the hidden layers in DNN fine-tuning.

Here we define several basic layers that will be used in both pre-training and fine-tuning.

data_layer = HDF5DataLayer(name="train-data", source="data/train.txt",
    batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=@windows ? false : true)
rename_layer = IdentityLayer(bottoms=[:data], tops=[:ip0])
hidden_layers = [
  InnerProductLayer(name="ip-$i", param_key=param_keys[i],
      output_dim=n_hidden_unit, neuron=neuron,
      bottoms=[symbol("ip$(i-1)")], tops=[symbol("ip$i")])
  for i = 1:n_hidden_layer

Note the rename_layer is defined to rename the :data blob to :ip0 blob. This makes it easier to define the hidden layers in a unified manner.


We construct stacked denoising auto-encoders to do pre-training for weights and bias for the hidden layers we just defined. We do layer-wise pre-training in a for loop. Several Mocha primitives are useful for building auto-encoders:

  • RandomMaskLayer: given a corruption ratio, this layer could randomly mask parts of the input blobs as zero. We use this to create corruptions in denoising auto-encoders.

    Note this is a in-place layer. In other words, it modifies the input directly. Recall that the reconstruction error is computed against the uncorruppted input. So we need to use the following layer to create a copy of the input before applying corruption.

  • SplitLayer: split a blob into multiple copies.

  • InnerProductLayer: the encoder layer is just an ordinary inner-product layer in DNNs.

  • TiedInnerProductLayer: if we do not want tied weights, we could use another inner-product layer as the decoder. Here we use a special layer to construct decoders with tied weights. The tied_param_key attribute is used to identify the corresponding encoder layer we want to tie weights with.

  • SquareLossLayer: used to compute reconstruction error.

We list the code for the layer definitions of the auto-encoders again:

  ae_data_layer = SplitLayer(bottoms=[symbol("ip$(i-1)")], tops=[:orig_data, :corrupt_data])
  corrupt_layer = RandomMaskLayer(ratio=corruption_rates[i], bottoms=[:corrupt_data])

  encode_layer  = copy(hidden_layers[i], bottoms=[:corrupt_data])
  recon_layer   = TiedInnerProductLayer(name="tied-ip-$i", tied_param_key=param_keys[i],
      tops=[:recon], bottoms=[symbol("ip$i")])
  recon_loss_layer = SquareLossLayer(bottoms=[:recon, :orig_data])

Note the i-th auto-encoder is built on top of the output of the (i-1)-th hidden layer (blob name symbol("ip$(i-1)")). We split the blob into :orig_data and :corrupt_data, and add corruption to the :corrupt_data blob.

The encoder layer is basically the same as the i-th hidden layer. But it should take the corrupted blob as input, so use the copy function to make a new layer based on the i-th hidden layer but change the bottoms property. The decoder layer has tied weights with the encoder layer, and the square-loss layer compute the reconstruction error.

Recall that in layer-wise pre-training, we fix the parameters of the encoder layers that we already trained, and only train the top-most encoder-decoder pair. In Mocha, we could freeze layers in a net to prevent their parameters being modified during training. In this case, we freeze all layers except the encoder and the decoder layers:

  da_layers = [data_layer, rename_layer, ae_data_layer, corrupt_layer,
      hidden_layers[1:i-1]..., encode_layer, recon_layer, recon_loss_layer]
  da = Net("Denoising-Autoencoder-$i", backend, da_layers)

  # freeze all but the layers for auto-encoder
  unfreeze!(da, "ip-$i", "tied-ip-$i")

Now we are ready to do the pre-training. In this example, we do not use regularization or momentum:

  base_dir = "pretrain-$i"
  pretrain_params  = SolverParameters(max_iter=div(pretrain_epoch*60000,batch_size),
      regu_coef=0.0, mom_policy=MomPolicy.Fixed(momentum),
      lr_policy=LRPolicy.Fixed(pretrain_lr), load_from=base_dir)
  solver = SGD(pretrain_params)

  add_coffee_break(solver, TrainingSummary(), every_n_iter=1000)
  add_coffee_break(solver, Snapshot(base_dir), every_n_iter=3000)
  solve(solver, da)


Fine Tuning

After pre-training, we are now ready to do supervised fine tuning. This part is almost identical to the original MNIST tutorial.

pred_layer = InnerProductLayer(name="pred", output_dim=10,
    bottoms=[symbol("ip$n_hidden_layer")], tops=[:pred])
loss_layer = SoftmaxLossLayer(bottoms=[:pred, :label])

net = Net("MNIST-finetune", backend, [data_layer, rename_layer,
    hidden_layers..., pred_layer, loss_layer])

base_dir = "finetune"
params = SolverParameters(max_iter=div(finetune_epoch*60000,batch_size),
    regu_coef=0.0, mom_policy=MomPolicy.Fixed(momentum),
    lr_policy=LRPolicy.Fixed(finetune_lr), load_from=base_dir)
solver = SGD(params)

setup_coffee_lounge(solver, save_into="$base_dir/statistics.jld", every_n_iter=10000)

add_coffee_break(solver, TrainingSummary(), every_n_iter=1000)
add_coffee_break(solver, Snapshot(base_dir), every_n_iter=10000)

data_layer_test = HDF5DataLayer(name="test-data", source="data/test.txt", batch_size=100)
acc_layer = AccuracyLayer(name="test-accuracy", bottoms=[:pred, :label])
test_net = Net("MNIST-finetune-test", backend, [data_layer_test, rename_layer,
    hidden_layers..., pred_layer, acc_layer])
add_coffee_break(solver, ValidationPerformance(test_net), every_n_iter=5000)

solve(solver, net)


Note the key to allow the MNIST-finetune net to use the pre-trained weights as initialization of the hidden layers is that we specify the same param_key property for the hidden layers and the encoder layers. Those parameters are stored in the registry of the backend. When a net is constructed, if a layer finds existing parameters with its param_key, it will use the existing parameters, and ignore the parameter initializers specified by the users. Debug information will be printed to the console:

31-Dec 02:37:46:DEBUG:root:InnerProductLayer(ip-1): sharing weights and bias
31-Dec 02:37:46:DEBUG:root:InnerProductLayer(ip-2): sharing weights and bias
31-Dec 02:37:46:DEBUG:root:InnerProductLayer(ip-3): sharing weights and bias

Comparison with Random Initialization

In order to see whether pre-training is helpful, we train the same DNN but with random initialization. The same layer definitions are re-used. But note the highlighted line below: we reset the registry in the backend to clear the pre-trained parameters before constructing the net:


net = Net("MNIST-rnd", backend, [data_layer, rename_layer,
    hidden_layers..., pred_layer, loss_layer])
base_dir = "randinit"

params = copy(params, load_from=base_dir)
solver = SGD(params)

setup_coffee_lounge(solver, save_into="$base_dir/statistics.jld", every_n_iter=10000)

add_coffee_break(solver, TrainingSummary(), every_n_iter=1000)
add_coffee_break(solver, Snapshot(base_dir), every_n_iter=10000)
test_net = Net("MNIST-randinit-test", backend, [data_layer_test, rename_layer,
    hidden_layers..., pred_layer, acc_layer])
add_coffee_break(solver, ValidationPerformance(test_net), every_n_iter=5000)

solve(solver, net)


We can check from the log that randomly initialized parameters are used in this case:

31-Dec 01:55:06:DEBUG:root:Init network MNIST-rnd
31-Dec 01:55:06:DEBUG:root:Init parameter weight for layer ip-1
31-Dec 01:55:06:DEBUG:root:Init parameter bias for layer ip-1
31-Dec 01:55:06:DEBUG:root:Init parameter weight for layer ip-2
31-Dec 01:55:06:DEBUG:root:Init parameter bias for layer ip-2
31-Dec 01:55:06:DEBUG:root:Init parameter weight for layer ip-3
31-Dec 01:55:06:DEBUG:root:Init parameter bias for layer ip-3
31-Dec 01:55:06:DEBUG:root:Init parameter weight for layer pred
31-Dec 01:55:06:DEBUG:root:Init parameter bias for layer pred

The plots shown at the beginning of this tutorial are generated from the saved statistics from the coffee lounges. If you are interested in how those plots are generated, please refer to the plot-all.jl script in the code directory of this tutorial.