
A layer in Mocha is an isolate computation component that (optionally) takes some input blobs and (optionally) produces some output blobs. See Networks for an overview of the abstraction of layer and network in Mocha. Implementing a layer in Mocha means

  1. Characterize the layer (e.g. does this layer define a loss function?) so that the network topology engine know how to properly glue the layers together to build a network.
  2. Implementing the computation of the layer, either in a backend-independent way, or implement separately for each backend.

Defining a Layer

A layer, like many other computational components in Mocha, consists of two parts:

  • A layer configuration, a subtype of Layer.
  • A layer state, a subtype of LayerState.

Layer defines how a layer should be constructed and should behave, while LayerState is the realization of a layer which actually holds the data blobs.

Mocha has a helper macro @defstruct to define a Layer subtype. For example

@defstruct PoolingLayer Layer (
  name :: String = "pooling",
  (bottoms :: Vector{Symbol} = Symbol[], length(bottoms) > 0),
  (tops :: Vector{Symbol} = Symbol[], length(tops) == length(bottoms)),
  (kernel :: NTuple{2, Int} = (1,1), all([kernel...] .> 0)),
  (stride :: NTuple{2, Int} = (1,1), all([stride...] .> 0)),
  (pad :: NTuple{2, Int} = (0,0), all([pad...] .>= 0)),
  pooling :: PoolingFunction = Pooling.Max(),
  neuron :: ActivationFunction = Neurons.Identity(),

@defstruct could be used to define a general immutable struct. The first parameter is the struct name, the second parameter is the super-type and then a list of struct fields follows. Each field requires a name, a type and a default value. Optionally, an expression could be added to verify the user-supplied value meets the requirements.

This macro will automatically define a constructor with keyword arguments for each field. This makes the interface easier to use for the end-user.

Each layer should have a field name. When the layer produce output blobs, it should have a property tops, allowing the user to specify a list of names for the output blobs the layer is producing. If the layer takes any number of blobs as input, it should also have a property bottoms for the user to specify the names for the input blobs. Mocha will use the information specified in tops and bottoms to wire the blobs in a proper data path for network forward and backward iterations.

A subtype of LayerState should be defined for each layer correspondingly. For example

type PoolingLayerState <: LayerState
  layer      :: PoolingLayer
  blobs      :: Vector{Blob}
  blobs_diff :: Vector{Blob}

  etc        :: Any

A layer state should have a field layer referencing to the corresponding Layer object. If the layer produce output blobs, the state should have a field called blobs, and the layer will write output into blobs during each forward iteration. If the layer needs back-propagation from the upper layers, the state should also have a field called blobs_diff. Mocha will pass the blobs in blobs_diff to the function computing backward iteration in the corresponding upper layer. The back-propagated gradients will be written into blobs_diff by upper layer, and the layer could make use of this when computing backward iteration for itself.

Other fields and/or behaviors are required depending on the layer type (see below).

Characterizing a Layer

Layer is characterized by applying the macro @characterize_layer to the defined subtype of Layer. The default characterizations are given by

  is_source  => false, # data layer, takes no bottom blobs
  is_sink    => false, # top layer, produces no top blobs (loss, accuracy, etc.)
  has_param  => false, # contains trainable parameters
  has_neuron => false, # has a neuron
  can_do_bp  => false, # can do back-propagation
  is_inplace => false, # do inplace computation, does not has own top blobs
  has_loss   => false, # produce a loss
  has_stats  => false, # produce statistics

Characterizing a layer could be omitted if all the behaviors are consists with the default specifications. The characterizations should be self-descriptive by the name and comments above. Some characterizations come with extra requirements:

The layer will be used as a source layer of a network. Thus it should take no input blob and the Layer object should have no bottoms property.
The layer will be used as a sink layer of a network. Thus it should produce no output blob, and the Layer object should have no tops property.
The layer has trainable parameters. The LayerState object should have a parameters field, containing a list of Parameter objects.
The Layer object should have a property called neuron of type ActivationFunction.
Should be true if the layer has the ability to do back propagation.
A inplace Layer object should have no tops property because the output blobs are the same as the input blobs.
The LayerState object should have a loss field.

The layer computes statistics (e.g. accuracy). The statistics should be accumulated across multiple mini-batches, until the user explicit reset the statistics. The following functions should be implemented for the layer

dump_statistics(storage, layer_state, show)

storage is a data storage (typically a CoffeeLounge object) that is used to dump statistics into, via the function update_statistics(storage, key, value).

show is a boolean value, when true, indicating that a summary of the statistics should also be printed to stdout.


Reset the statistics.

Layer Computation API

The life cycle of a layer is

  1. The user define a Layer
  2. The user use defined Layers to construct a Net. The Net will call setup on each Layer to construct the corresponding LayerState.
  3. During training, the solver use a loop to call forward and backward of the Net. The Net will then call forward and backward of each layer in a proper order.
  4. The user destroy the Net, which will call the shutdown function of each layer.
setup_layer(backend, layer, inputs, diffs)

Construct a corresponding LayerState object given a Layer object. inputs is a list of blobs, corresponding to the blobs specified by the bottoms property of the Layer object. If the Layer does not have bottoms property, then it will be an empty list.

diffs is a list of blobs. Each blob in diffs corresponds to a blob in inputs. When computing back propagation, the back-propagated gradients for each input blob should be written into the corresponding one in diffs. Blobs in inputs and diffs are taken from blobs and blobs_diff of LayerState objects of lower layers.

diffs is guaranteed to be a list of blobs of the same length as inputs. However, when some input blobs does not need back-propagated gradients, the corresponding blob in diffs will be a NullBlob.

This function should setup its own blobs and blobs_diffs (if any) by possibly measuring the shape of input blobs.

forward(backend, layer_state, inputs)

Do forward computing. It is guaranteed that the blobs in inputs are already computed properly by lower layers. The output blobs (if any) should be written into the blobs in the blobs field of the layer state.

backward(backend, layer_state, inputs, diffs)

Do backward computing. It is guaranteed that the back-propagated gradients with respect to all the output blobs for this layer are already computed properly and written into the blobs in the blobs_diff field of the layer state. This function should compute the gradients with respect to its parameters (if any). It is also responsible to compute the back-propagated gradients and write into the blobs in diffs. If a blob in diffs is a NullBlob, computation for the back-propagated gradients for that blob could be omitted.

The contents in the blobs in inputs are the same as in the last call of forward, and could be used if necessary.

If a layer does not do backward propagation (e.g. a data layer), an empty backward function should still be defined explicitly.

shutdown(backend, layer_state)

Release all the resources allocated in setup.

Layer Parameters

If a layer has train-able parameters, it should define a parameters field in the LayerState object, containing a list of Parameter objects. It should also define the has_param characterization. The only computation that the layer needs to do, is to compute the gradients with respect to each parameter and write into the gradient field of each Parameter object.

Mocha will handle the updating of parameters during training automatically. Other parameter-related issues like initialization, regularization, norm constraints will also be handled automatically.

Layer Activation Function

When it makes sense for a layer to have an activation function, it could add a neuron property to the Layer object and define the has_neuron characterization. Everything else will be handled automatically.